
certtool gives me the info without any problems, so i suppose it can parse
the private key ...



> g...@itchybit.org writes:
>> Hello,
>> we recently moved some websites to another server. One of the websites
>> has
>> a certificate issued by Equifax, its a QuickSSL Premium programme.
>> When we moved the site to the other server, i copied the certificate and
>> the private key as well. The problem is that when im trying to start
>> apache with the old key & cert i get this error:
>> Syntax error on line 143 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhosts.conf:
>> GnuTLS: Failed to Import Private Key
>> '/etc/apache2/ssl.key/xxx_real.key':
>> (-207) Base64 unexpected header error.
>>  failed!
>> apache wont start. the conf looks like this:
>>         GnuTLSEnable on
>>         GnuTLSPriorities NORMAL
>>         DocumentRoot ....
>>         ServerName xxx.com:443
>>         GnuTLSCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/xxx_old.crt
>>         GnuTLSKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl.key/xxx_old.key
>> When i try to verify the cert and the privkey with the openssl utility -
>> its OK. Maybe the problem is that on the old server we had a different
>> version of openssl and we were using mod_ssl instead of mod_gnutls ??
> Can you run 'certtool -k' on the key file?  It may be that GnuTLS cannot
> parse it.  Don't paste the output into an e-mail, or you'll have to
> revoke the certificate..
> /Simon

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