Greetings, modules front-desk,

I am writing to request a CPAN Author's ID:

your name :                     Martyn J. Pearce
your email address:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your preferred user-ID on CPAN: FLUFFY

a description of what you're planning to contribute:
  First off, I wish to update Class::MethodMaker, to correct the
documentation, fix a couple of minor bugs, and then move on to enhance.

I have sent mail to the original author (Peter Seibel) at Organic, with
no reply. I have submitted to comp.lang.perl.modules, and sent mail to
perl5-porters, stating my intent to take up maintenance of
Class::MethodMaker.  I have recieved replies to state that others do
still use this module (it's documented in both Sriram Srinivasan's
Advanced Perl Programming, and Damian Conway's OOPerl book).  It seems
odd not to have a maintainer.

Like-minded modules are Class::Template, Class::NamedParms and
Class::ParmList, each of which overlaps Class::MethodMaker, but each
with different approaches and emphases.


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