A long time ago, I was going to upload some HTML formatting module, so I
setup a CPAN Author thingie for myself (Author id = RNAIMA).  I ended up not
uploading that bit of code, but I've got some modules that I'de like to
contribute now..  

The first thing is a module that goes against a fairly detailed vector file
describing physical attributes and political boundaries of the earth (i.e. a
map).  The module generates an image (based on libgd) of the desired portion
of the earth.  

I've got a few questions/issues though :

o It's been so long since I had the account setup on CPAN that I forgot how
        to upload the files/info
o I need help comming up with a name for the module.  Originally it was 
        written as a C program called rmap, but current ideas I'm tossing 
        around are  Image::Rmap, Image::EarthMap, Image::Earth..  
o The datafile that is required is fairly hefty in size (46M uncompressed -
        should be around 15M compressed).  Is this too big to be on CPAN?  

Thanks in advance,

p.s. a sample image generated by the program can be found at
http://www.reza.net/rmap.gif -- you can zoom in quite a bit more if desired.

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