> -----Original Message-----
> From: Graham Barr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 3:12 AM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Cc: 'Ask Bjoern Hansen'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'Stas Bekman'; 'darren
> chamberlain'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Subject: Re: [new module] proposal Apache::DebugHeaders
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 04:07:38PM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > Hey, I'm not trying to redo anyone's work or step on toes...
> I am sure your not, but on the other hand when two modules are so
> close in functionality it can help to merge them. There are
> several reasons why this can be benificial, not least that it 
> cuts down on duplication
> of effort
> > 
> > I looked at DumpHeaders and thought that my stuff didn't 
> quite fit in
> > becuase:
> >   1) it's longer - DumpHeaders is short and sweet
> That;'s no reason why it cannot be extended. Like many modules on CPAN
> DumpHeaders was written to meet a specific task. That does not mean 
> enhancements cannot be added.

I meant that as a compliment :)

> >   2) it's my attempt at trying to make something OO and extensible
> And I would encourage everyone to take a learning cycle, it's fun.
> >   3) it has functionality that DumpHeaders doesn't
> So extend it.
> > (and doesn't 'allow' for
> > by name)
> Huh?

DumpHeaders dumps the request headers - it would seem that to add
functionality outside of that at least calls for a name change.  Maybe?  I

> >   4) it allows you to track stuff throughout the request 
> cycle (for modules
> > that change them)
> extend
> > 
> > Here's the code (minus documentation - if it isn't 
> appropriate it isn't.
> > Let me know what you think - I'm open to anything...
> It seems to me that these two modules are VERY close in many 
> aspects yet
> both have something the other does not.
> The two main things I see in DumpHeaders that are not in 
> yours are the ability
> to specify a log file (I think yours goes to the standard apache log)
> and the ability to specify which IP addresses to dump headers 
> for, this
> is VERY useful when trying to debug a problem on a live site that only
> a few people see, dumping all headers is just too much.
> So that said, what would it take to add these two features to yours ?

not much work, I suppose - I'm certainly willing to do it.  I did like the
IP feature when I saw it, and thought of adding it.  The file feature
doesn't strike me, but if folks use it then fine.

> I it could do that, and support the PerlSetVars that 
> DumpHeaders uses then it
> could just be a drop in replacement.


Since Ask has seniority :) I'll defer to him on this one.  I can either add
his code or we can extend DumpHeaders together...

either way, it's been a good experience for me...


> Graham.

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