
pls. register Me on the CPAN - PAUSE - server.

name:          Frank-Peter Reich 

email:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

homepage:      none 

pref. user-ID: fpreich

I'm planning to contribute:
In this time it's a run to make article-data of
print-catalogs and ERP-systems ready to use for
e-commerce-systems. The felxibility of XML isn't only
an advantage. A set of competitively format-standards
is existing. In the last time the success of the
BMEcat-format is growing. My perl-module BMEcat.pm is
designed to make it easy to convert data to it.

Name:          BMEcat

DSLI:          anpO

Description:   Helps to generate XML-Files in the more
               and more populare BMEcat-format



TMTOWTDI (There's More Than One Way to Do It) --Perl Motto
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frank-Peter Reich (fp$), www: profiles.yahoo.com/fpreich

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