
I want to register to contribute to CPAN.

My name:              Michael Schlueter
My email:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:           none (though I have one on our non-public Intranet at
My preferred ID:  mschlue

My plans:              implementing Object Modelling Technique with Perl
objects, UML for Perl,
                                some quality engineering related programs

First Module:       Class-Classgen-classgen-3.00.tar.gz: 
                               new approach: creates Perl objects as
separate .pm files from a simple control file

consists of:
adpo  Class::Classgen::classgen (script)
adpo  Class::Classgen::Section.pm (identifies sections within the control
adpo  Class::Classgen::New.pm (writes new(); blesses $,% and @ into {})
adpo  Class::Classgen::Attribute.pm (writes accessor and manipulator
adpo  Class::Classgen::Comments.pm (increases robustness of control file

 contains a directory with examples on getting_started, inheritance and

advantage: any $,% or @ instance_variable is blessed and accessor and
methods are created as source code, e.g.:

   instance variables:   $s, @list, %map
   methods: set_s(value), get_l_list(), get_h_map(), push_list() and many
                                  (see perldoc classgen)

   at the end of the .pm a skelton for perldoc-documentation is created.


I discussed the matter with a colleague at my office and demonstrated how
one can save time
and write cleaner code with this approach. - About 3 weeks ago I mentioned
in a reply to a OOP
related thread that I am going to prepare this module on
comp.lang.perl.misc . I was asked what
will be the difference to Class::Struct, for example. - At about the same
time Uri Guttman issued
a warning on eval. I was not sure whether the code in my blessing part will
fall into that trap.
So I asked him to comment on that specific fragment, with a pleasing

I think I use a different approach to object implementation in Perl. I
focus less on handling instance
variables within a Perl object and am more interested in adding the desired
functionality to my

With kind regards,
Michael Schlueter


Example: peanuts contains with focus ondesired actions:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

        use Dog;
        use Bird; 
        use strict;

# --- the next things could be achieved easier with conventional coding ---

        my $snoopy = Dog->new();
        my $woodstock = Bird->new();



speaker("Snoopy sits at ".$snoopy->get_pos().", Woodstock is at

$snoopy->think("The red baron meets his boloved friend.");
$woodstock->talk("''' ''''' '''");
$snoopy->think("Oh, you invite me for dinner? Thank you, yes I'll be

speaker("Woodstock moved to".$woodstock->get_pos());
$snoopy->think("He is so cute, when he is excited. <GRIN>");

# --- try this with non OOP-coding -----------------
#     more woodstock-fellows enter the scene

        my $wood1 = Bird->new();
        my $wood2 = Bird->new();
        my $wood3 = Bird->new();
        my $wood4 = Bird->new();
        $wood1->set_name("woodstock minor");
        $wood2->set_name("woodstock minor minor");
        $wood3->set_name("woodstock senior");
        $wood4->set_name("woodstocks twin ");


speaker("some other woodstock-fellows have approached woodstock");
$wood4->talk("... ## '''");
$woodstock->talk("??? ... !!");
$wood3->talk(" ' ' ' '   ''");
$snoopy->think("oh my god, I hate family meetings");
$snoopy->think("I hope they will not come over here");

speaker("Some woodies are moveing now towards Snoopy");

speaker($wood4->get_name()." is at ".$wood4->get_pos()." now");
speaker($wood3->get_name()." is at ".$wood3->get_pos()." now");
speaker($wood2->get_name()." is at ".$wood2->get_pos()." now");

$wood4->talk("'' '', ' ' '?");
$snoopy->think("oh gosh, they're coming");

# ------------------------------------------------------

sub speaker {
        my $text = shift;
        print "\n>>>$text\n";

# -------------------------------------------------------

Dog.pm and Bird.pm were created by classgen with suitable instance
variables. Dog's and Bird's
inherit instance variables and methods from Creature.pm. The only methods
left for me to implement
were Bird->talk(), Dog->think(), Creature->move() and Creature->meet(),
which could not be created
from the instance variables by definition.

BTW, the control file bird.txt would look like

                package Bird;
                use Creature;
                @ISA=( "Creature" );

Bird.pm contains after enabling inheritance, adding talk() and adding some

# --- Generated by classgen 3.0 on Son Apr  2 17:53:23 MEST 2000 ---

        package Bird;
        use Creature;
        @ISA=( "Creature" );
sub new {
        my $self = shift;
        my $type = ref($self)||$self;

        # instance-variables:
        my $a;  #justadummy

        $self=bless {
                _a              =>      $a,
        }, $type;
        $self->inherit_from($self->Creature::new());    # adapt when
        return $self;

# --- methods specific for this class ---------------------

sub specific {                  # a dummy() used for copy & paste
        my ($self) = @_;

sub talk {
        my ($self,$text) = @_;

# --- inheritance methode -----------------------------------

sub inherit_from {
        my ($self, $base_blessed) = @_;
        my @l = keys %$base_blessed;
        foreach (@l) {
                $self->{$_} = $base_blessed->{$_};

# --- accessor methods -----------------------------------

sub get_a {
        my ($self) = @_;

# --- manipulator methods --------------------------------

sub clear_a {
        my ($self) = @_;
        my $v = $self->set_a(undef);


sub set_a {
        my ($self, $value) = @_;
        $self->{_a} = $value;



=head1 NAME 

Bird - just another Creature.

=head1 VERSION



Whatch out, this bird will talk.



=head1 BUGS

=head1 FILES

=head1 SEE ALSO

=head1 AUTHOR

Name:  Michael Schlueter 



Copyright (c) 2000, Michael Schlueter. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

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