Greetings. I have just uploaded Memoize-ExpireLRU-0.54.tar.gz to CPAN. The
purpose of the module is to provide an LRU expiration policy for
Memoize. The version number started at 0.52 to match memoize, and then
got moved up to make the thing work in non-trivial cases.

To quote the README file:

This is the README file for Memoize::ExpireLRU

Memoize::ExpireLRU is a module that implements LRU expiration for

To build and install this extension, simply chant:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

Memoize::ExpireLRU requires Memoize version 0.52 or greater.

The DSLI entry for the module should be:

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
::ExpireLRU    Rdpr  Provide LRU Expiration for Memoize           BPOWERS

A readme is included, as well as a standard perl build environment
(Makefile.PL, MANIFEST, t/*, et al)


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