>>>>> On Sun, 20 Feb 2000 09:09:59 -0800 (PST), Ask Bjoern Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 > No reactions, almost[1]. Should that be taken that you all agree or that
 > you're just too busy to tell me that I'm way off. (Which I know I'm not
 > for once :-) )

Bleading busy, I must say, but I'm getting so bored from these other
works that I'm not taking any new projects since September. They just
never get finished:-/

 > [1] Jon wrote and said that he agree we should get all of this thing
 > automated.

 > How should we get on it? Get some specifications for what we want would be
 > a sensible start.

There are always several things that need to be improved
simultaneously, I usually post my Todo list somewhere below
http://pause.kbx.de/, currently it is in /news.html. I'll make it more
visible within the evolving user interface.

I think, now that we have the add_mod functionality, what we should
offer next is exactly what you said, the "apply for the registration
of a module" form. Suggestions for the proper wording and for the
exact questions in that form would be more than welcome.

I cannot agree with the idea of fully automating. We need to achieve
several improvements to the infrastructure before we can open the
floodgates to module spamming. I just don't feel ready for that.


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