
First off, forgive me for I have already run aground on namespaces. I 
first uploaded this to CPAN under the XML::Template name and the Perl 
XML mailing list pointed out that the module really just looks like 
XML, rather than actually using say XML::Parser.

I withdrew the module from CPAN rather than risk confusion until I 
had time to think about a better namespace for it. The mailing list 
suggested the SGML mailing list or a new namespace "MarkUp" but I 
think the former isn't really appropriate and the latter might be 
additional clutter. In some very real sense, it probably should be 
something like Text::TagTemplate, but I don't know if this is a good 

So I'm hoping to make some amends to the namespace conventions by 
begging for suggestions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,



-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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