>> Bundle::Installer sounds like a strange name to me. How does it fit
>> with the description in the module list:
>> Bundle            i    Namespace reserved for modules collections   ANDK
>> Could you describe your intentions with it a little?

  > The system consists of four modules and an exectuable, whose current names
  > are:

  > Installer::Base         - base class for package modules
  > Installer::Manifest     - manifest object
  > Installer::Rule         - simple object for handling "rules" (a rule here is
  > defined as a group of regexes which matches against a list of strings
  > Installer::Ruleset      - a simple object for handling a list of rules and
  > actions associated with those rules
  > rkit                            - executable perl script

If they are all called Installer::something, they are apparently not
called Bundle::something.

  > Which is why I chose Bundle::Installer. I guess I'm unclear what
  > is meant by "modules collections".

Ahh, I see. Whatever is called Bundle::something should be nothing
more than a list of modules. The idea of collecting modules by
referencing their name. Not by collecting the modules themselves
(the referenced modules are expected to be on CPAN anyway).

  > Since these modules are meant to be used only with each other,
  > perhaps they should they not be in the Bundle:: namespace?

A module should never be in the Bundle namespace.

  > The internal name that we use for this package is simply 'rkit'.
  > Perhaps App::Rkit would be better? I'll defer to better judgement
  > here.

Looks more like Rkit::something, as I get the impression, this hasn't
much to do with "applications" either.

  > To be honest, I'm not sure if this belongs in the modules section
  > or not. The modules included are primarily there to support the
  > rkit executable and are not extremely reuseable (I could see
  > Manifest, Rule and Ruleset possibly being reused, but definitely
  > not Base).

Hmmm. If all you need is a namespace you use within the rkit script, I
see no reason to register a namespace at all. If the code is not going
to be reused, it may even live in the "main" namespace as no conflict
will occur. OTOH if there is a tiny chance that one of the packages
grows beyond itself and becomes reuseable, you can work in the
pet_s_mart::rkit:: namespace and wait until the time is ripe.

  > What it boils down to is this: suggestions are 100% welcome. It
  > will probably be a couple of weeks anyway before the legal
  > department gives the go ahead to upload it, so fire away.

It seems to me that there's nothing wrong with the script rkit, but
that it is rather a script or application than a module. There's
nothing wrong with that, just nothing to be registered in the module


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