   The following is the description of the package that I wish to
contribute to CPAN. (I have already sent this desc. while registering for
a CPAN id. My CPAN id is UARUN). 

> Package: perlPOS
> Description: A Set of Perl Modules that Implement ISO-8583 Protocol. This
> modules is intended to provide the Perl Community with a financial
> exchange/payment Framework. The iniital goal is to provide support for
> client side applications to easily interface with ISO-8583 servers such as
> ISO-8583 servers, switches etc. The package can also be modified to handle
> ANSI X9.2 Protocol as well. 
>    The inspiration for the package was derived from jPOS - A Java based
> OpenSource library providing similar functionality. perlPOS is closely
> modelled against the jPOS Project. The Home of the jPOS project is
> at www.jpos.org
>    Several design issues have been discussed with on of the core
> developers of the jPOS project - Alejandro Revilla. A few of the new
> ideas/features available in perlPOS have been accepted and incorporated in
> jPOS by Alejandro. 
> Development Stage : a
> Support Level     : d     
> Language Used     : p
> Interface Style   : O

  perlPOS is implemented purly in Perl (no XS) and it consists of a
number of packages (in the order of 25-30 packages). I am however a bit
unsure about the namespace to choose. 
  I would like to use one of the following toplevel names

       a) POS::
       b) perlPOS::  (or)
       c) pPOS:: 

  Which one of the above should I use ?


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