I have a few modules that have been on CPAN for a long time but have been 
unregistered, because they're specific to a product called ClearCase and 
thus not of general interest. But I just got an email from a user 
exasperated from being unable to find them and pointing out that there's a 
category ("Commercial Software Interfaces") made just for this. So - I'd 
like to register them in said category. Details:

ClearCase::Argv         adpO    ClearCase-specific subclass of Argv     DSB
ClearCase::CR           adpO    Base class for config-record analysis   DSB
ClearCase::ClearPrompt  Rdpf    Wrap clearprompt in a portable way      DSB
ClearCase::SyncTree     bdpO    Synchronize trees of CC elements        DSB
ClearCase::Wrapper      Rdpf    General-purpose wrapper for cleartool   DSB
IPC::ClearTool          RdpO    Manage bidirectional pipe to cleartool  DSB

David Boyce

>Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 16:49:08 +0200
>Subject: Thanks for Childsave and ClearTool
>Hi David,
>Thanks for this interface to cleartool, it is one of the best kept
>secrets (only the CAL interface is even better hidden).
>One disadvantage to your distribution:
>- At Cpan search, I expected to find it at the 'commercial software
>interfaces' for the cleartool interface.
>- the general interface which childsave is, can also be a commersial
>software interface, just the general or shell one.
>- With the search tool it was not found with childsave or with
>clearcase. Only when I typed clearcase, I found it.
>So I expected to find childsave or the clearcase interface since that's
>what I would look for. Is it possible to update the registration at
>CPAN? Don't play hide and seek, I like to find what I need :-)

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