Hi. I'd like to register as a developer for CPAN. Name: Christian Gilmore E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Userid: CGILMORE Contribution Description: I plan to contribute a number of modules, beginning with a tiny support module called String::ParseWords that is needed for the next set of modules: Apache::AuthenLDAP, Apache::AuthzLDAP, and Apache::AuthzCache. I'll work with Jason Bodnar to get him to update or transfer Apache::AuthenCache as well. Module Description: String::ParseWords Rdpf "Parses words from a string" CGILMORE Apache::AuthenLDAP Rmpf "Authenticate against LDAP" CGILMORE Apache::AuthzLDAP Rmpf "Authorize against LDAP" CGILMORE Apache::AuthzCache Rmpf "Cache authorization credentials" JBODNAR Apache::AuthenCache Rmpf "Cache authentication credentials" CGILMORE I may switch String::ParseWords to OO-only before I release it this week. Locations Discussed: The first module, String::ParseWords, was not discussed. The Apache modules have been discussed indirectly on the modperl mailing list. I know that they will have significant useability. Regards, Christian ----------------- Christian Gilmore Infrastructure & Tools Team Lead Web & Multimedia Development Tivoli Systems, Inc.