At 18:54 -0700 2000.09.12, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
>       Unfortunately, there are only a finite number of things one can
>       call such a software package.

Yes, but we've not yet reached that finite point.

>       Then along comes this e-mail complaining about the name.  Ugh.
>       I was perfectly happy *not* to submit it to CPAN in the first
>       place.  Therefore, I really don't have the time, energy, or
>       inclination to "defend" the code's right to be in CPAN.  I
>       really don't care.  I write software that is useful to me.  If
>       others can benefit from the work, great.
>       If the power that be at CPAN want to remove it, so be it.

No one would ask you to remove it.  But it is the responsibility of anyone
uploading a package to CPAN to check to see if the name is in use.  You can
use to quickly and easily check, or run it past
this mailing list.

This one is a special case, though.  Sean's (formerly Gisle's) distribution
uses a name that does not exist in the package itself.  I think that is a
mistake, too.  I'd rather the package were called HTML-TreeBuilder, since
that's the nae of the module.  Oh well.


Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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