I would like to contribute to CPAN.  I need to get registered as an 

Name:  Terry Weissman
Homepage: http://www.weissman.org/
Preferred user-id: TERRY
    Second choice: TW

I plan to contribute a library to make it very very easy to write 
VoiceXML applications.  For more information about VoiceXML, see 

DSLI entry:

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
VXML::Server   bmpO  Very easy way to create phone applications   TERRY

An early version of my module was posted in tellme.sharing.vxml (see 
http://studio.tellme.com/newsgroups/ for more information about these 
newsgroups).  There has frankly not been a lot of discussion, because 
the relevant community is still small.  But it is growing very fast.

The library will soon be available from http://studio.tellme.com/downloa
ds/, but it is not yet listed there.  (This is *not* the "VoiceXML Perl 
module" that is currently listed there; that one functions very 
differently, and is written by someone else.)

- Terry         http://www.weissman.org/

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