Forwarded for the archives, I'll answer shortly.
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 16:14:26 +0200
To: "Andreas J. Koenig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PAUSE now Unicoded
In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Thu, Oct
26, 2000 at 01:38:35PM +0200
/--- On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 01:38:35PM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig
| I'm in charge with this but have fallen out of the loop for three
| months, so discussions about namespaces were not performed as much
| as
| should have been.
| I just registered Parallel::ForkManager as it has a
| straightforward
| namespace. I fear we should discuss the namespaces of the other
| two on
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] Whenever you wnt to open a new root namespace
| you
| ought to have a reasonable explanation why the root namespace
| would be
| justified.
Sigh. Ok. I understand that. I may misunderstood something in the
pause docs, but I thought if I upload something to pause, and it is
accepted, then it is automatically accepted as a namespace request.
Unfortunately dTemplate and TableMap is quite stable now (I have
just released TableMap 1.0 and dTemplate 1.0), and has some user
base. Changing the namespace all programs which are based on these
needs to be rewritten.
Is there any policy how to choose namespace for a module? I think
"dTemplate" namespace is very unique and could not conflicts with
other module names. That's why I want to keep it. If I need to
categorize this module, then it is a general purpose templating
system which can be used in CGI, text, xml, html Building. All
namespaces could be used, but neither of that could describe that. I
think Template::dTemplate would be a good name, but "Template"
namespace is reserved by the Template Toolkit (hmmm), and I don't
like if someone thought these two are in close relation. The two
module has very different approach. So I don't think it is a problem
if "dTemplate" remains "dTemplate": anybody who is searching for the
word "Template" will find it, and I think this is the most perlish
templating system available :-) (in my personal opinion
Template::Toolkit is a very big beast which has too many unnecessary
complexity built in).
TableMap is another story. This can be renamed to DBIx::TableMap or
Class::Relation (Class::DBI is alread exists).
If I must rename my namespaces do you have idea how I can maintain
compatibility with the already released versions?
| I'm currently working on productivity tools that make registering
| and
| gathering of informations easier and hope that we can then provide
| a
| better job. I did the registration of Parallel::ForkManager with
| the
| new tool, still have to iron out a few weaknesses, but in a few
| days,
| we are there.
=< Slay not he that cannot hear, be thankful ye that hath an ear >=