On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 08:44:47AM -0500, Dave Plonka wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 11:45:15AM +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 11:26:25PM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> > > >>>>> On Tue, 17 Oct 2000 09:07:50 -0500, Dave Plonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> > >  > I'm not against the Patricia module being in Tree::Patricia, but there
> > >  > are other complications...  The C code on which the module is based
> > >  > looks like networking code in that it currently uses inet_addr(3) and
> > >  > therefore requires "<arpa/inet.h>" and "-lnsl".  I could follow
> > >  > Socket.pm's lead and reimplement a private/static inet_addr within to
> > >  > eliminate that requirement, but avoiding the system-provided library
> > >  > routines in these way could make it harder to maintain, esp. when I
> > >  > pass-thru IPv6 addr support to the perl API.
> > > 
> > > Strong arguments.
> > 
> > I'd also remind folks that names should be based on what functionality
> > a module offers, not how it's implemented.
> In the case of a module named such that it must implement its
> functionality by a specific data structure and algorithm, the
> functionality and implementation are necessarily intertwined.
> For Net::Patricia, if the functionality I was attempting to provide did
> not have performance implications, I might have called it Find::Prefix
> or some such thing.  Actually, if that were case we wouldn't be having
> this discussion because Net::Netmask's order-of-magnitude slower
> sequential search would have been sufficient.
> It was the Right Thing for us to consider Tree::Patricia as Kurt
> suggested.  I did that, and I discussed it with other perl hackers.  As
> he pointed out, this module *could* be used for other key values that
> have the same syntax (and nearly the same semantics).  Specifically he
> said:
>    [Net::Patricia's API] doesn't prevent one from coming up with more
>    dastardly uses for the module.
> When a programmer finds a *dastardly use* for a standard API, we
> usually call it a kludge.  In which case it is almost preferable that
> that API seems inappropriate for that use.  I.e. if someone use
> Net::Patricia to lookup something weird, perhaps machine language
> op-code prefixes or something, the code should look weird so that
> maintainers say "Why is this program using Net::Patricia"?
> So CPAN allowing me to advertise my module as Net::Patricia is useful
> to me as the author,

It shouldn't be and points to problems in how the namespace is perceived.

> and it suggests that perl hackers only use it as
> intended and to be very careful using it for other purposes.

That's overloading the namespace with distracting issues. The name
'Patricia' itself may suffice, else perhaps 'Tree::PatriciaIP'.

> While I'm
> all for reuse, all bets are off if you don't use Net::Patricia for IP
> addresses and netmasks.

So just say that in the docs.

> > >  > At the moment, I'm still leaning toward Net::Patricia because of the
> > >  > underlying networking requirements.
> > > 
> > > We are all starting to react allergically against Net:: because it
> > > becomes a bit basket, it's crowded there. But I see you arguments in
> > > favor and I see you have uploaded version 1.009. I tend to accept
> > > Net:: based on your arguments.
> > 
> > Joining the ubiquitous bad precedents ;-)
> When someone writes the more ambitious general PATRICIA trie (as is
> apparently described in Sedgewick, I don't even have the book), it can
> be called Tree::Patricia.  If and when that happens, I think we'll all
> be glad that Net::Patricia is where it is now because Tree::Patricia
> will be more general, but will probably perform more slowly upon keys
> in the IP address space, so the need for both remains.

If those assumptions prove true. But that also applies to Tree::PatriciaIP
or similar names.

> > Tim.
> > 
> > p.s. I don't feel very strongly about this, just wanted to remind folks
> > about the 'ignore implementation issues' line of reasoning for the future.
> Understood, I just don't think Net::Patricia is the poster boy for that
> cause.  Believe it or not, I spent weeks (on and off) on the namespace
> issue which is apparently more time than many have either the
> motivation or the luxury of expending.  So we're glad the modules list
> participants to help out.

I wish more people thought we were here to help! :-/


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