
I would like to contribute a module for connection to the Gnutella network 
(based around version 0.4 of the protocol spec). It is very similar in design 
and function to the Net::IRC module, utilising an object oriented interface and 

Name: Iain Wade
Homepage: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~iwade
preferred user-ID: IWADE

I have worked under the assumption the module would go in the Net:: namespace, 
with Net::Gnutella being the obvious choice for me.. does this suit your 
conventions thus far?

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
Net::Gnutella  bdpO  Gnutella network (v0.4) interface            IWADE

I have not really discussed this project with anyone. Interest is expected to 
be moderate.

I have in the past written/publically released/maintained/supported a Napster 
interface similar in architecture/design to this but have not previously 
contributed to CPAN/PAUSE.

Best regards,

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