I have a number of modules to propose for inclusion in the modules
list.  The code is already done, but I'd like to get some comments
about what module names to use in the actual release.

The names given below are proposals.

Tie::EditHash - a hash which can overlay another hash or tied hash and 
              can be changed without losing it's order.  The changes
              can then be saved to the base hash when wanted.
Tie::EditHash::Editor - base class for interactive editors that use 

included in the package with these two is a small character based
editor for editing DB_Files.

WWW::Link - a class for storing information about the status of links
            (are they broken or okay) for use in link checking
            right now this is called just Link, but I think the name
            WWW::Link is probably better. The interface is OO.

WWW::Link::Repair - a class for finding files with broken links and
WWW::Link::Repair::Substitutor - does the actual work of string
            substitution for Link::Repair
WWW::Link::Selector - a class for seleting particularl links from a
            database to work on 
WWW::Link::Test - a class for testing a link using a LWP user agent..

WWW::Link::Reporter - a base class for reporting about the status of
WWW::Link::Reporter::Text - provides reporting of broken links
WWW::Link::Reporter::Compile - same but for emacs compile mode 
WWW::Link::Reporter::HTML - same but in HTML Format
WWW::Link::Reporter::RepairForm - same but generates a form
WWW::Link::Reporter::LongList - provides just lists files ls -l format

Getopt::Function - getopt using a table of subroutine and
            documentation refs aimed at maintainable code. based (B<use>es

CDB_File::Generator - a class for generating CDB_Files e.g. for use with 
     the CDB_File module as tied hashes.  (CDB files are a type of non
     modifiable DB files).

CDB_BiIndex - two directional index made up of two CDB files
CDB_BiIndex::Generator - class for generating CDB_BiIndexes based on 

I thought something like 


would be ideal, but there isn't any place like that is there?

what about this?


Schedule - a class for handing when to carry out actions..  But very
         specific.  Something like a basis for the unix at command..

This is one where I'd really like any good suggestions for a name:
Schedule::Lazy .. or something.

Reasonably documented implementations of all of these classes are in 


alongside a link testing application which uses them called LinkController.  

Status for all modules is:
       released for testing (b?)

       developer support for now (d)

       written only in perl (p)

       object oriented interface (O) although EditHash also provides a

or in other words: bdpO

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