The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Win32::SharedFileOpen
  DSLIP:       bdcfp
  description: Interface to Win32 sopen + fsopen functions
  userid:      SHAY (Steve Hay)
  chapterid:   22 (Microsoft_Windows_Modules)



    Interface to MSWin32-specific sopen() and fsopen() functions: these
    functions are counterparts to the standard open() and fopen()
    functions, but are intended for opening a file for sharing, hence
    "SharedFileOpen". (Sounds a bit clunky, though?)

    They provide a convenient means of opening and locking the file
    (denying read, write or read+write access) in one go, using the same
    familiar arguments as open() and fopen(), plus one extra argument
    indicating the "share" mode.

    The Win32API::File module contains an interface to another
    MSWin32-specific function, CreateFile(), which provides similar
    capabilities but using a whole different set of arguments which are
    unfamiliar to unseasoned MS developers.

    CreateFile() and the other functions interfaced in Win32API::File
    are all fairly low-level (hence they are in a Win32API module rather
    than a Win32 module). sopen() and fsopen() are higher-level
    functions so their interface really deserves to be in a Win32

  enteredby:   SHAY (Steve Hay)
  enteredon:   Mon Aug  6 11:22:07 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::SharedFileOpen  bdcfp Interface to Win32 sopen + fsopen functions  SHAY

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