On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 12:14:21AM +0100, Tels wrote:
> Moin,
> On 26-Nov-01 Tim Bunce tried to scribble about:
> > Umm, Dev:: isn't really the right category for this.
> > 
> > Perhaps Business::Bollocks would be better.
> But it is essential "/dev/bollocks". I know that there is "Device::" but I
> think it is misnamed (too long and the devices are /dev/something, not
> /device/something). 
> The module doesn't have anything to do with business, except that the
> language might be called "business related". But whats not business
> related, then? And then, Language::Bollocks or Random::Bollocks, or
> Text::Bollocks, or Bollocks::Texts or even Math::String::Bollocks (subclass
> of Math::String) etc would be all candiates, but IMHO none would fit
> properly.
> Maybe the short description text is a bit misleading - I took the
> "theme" over from the original's authors description/website. If it would
> read:
>         description: Emulates /dev/bollocks in pure perl
> the name would be more clear. Does this make (non)sense?

Yes, so Device::Bollocks is the right place. Dev::Bollocks is still the wrong place.


> > 1/2 :-)
> !? 42? ;)
> > On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 05:29:47PM +0100, Perl Authors Upload Server
> > wrote:
> >> 
> >> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
> >> 
> >>   modid:       Dev::Bollocks
> >>   DSLIP:       bdpOp
> >>   description: Arbitrary sized bollocks from management
> >>   userid:      TELS (Tels)
> >>   chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)
> >>   communities:
> >>     none
> Cheers,
> Tels
> - -- 
>  perl -MDev::Bollocks -e'print Dev::Bollocks->rand(),"\n"'
>  preemptively innovate magnetic partnerships
>  http://bloodgate.com/perl       My current Perl projects
>  PGP key available on http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or via email 
> Version: 2.6.3i
> Charset: latin1
> xsWCoYKz+VoT/e3dVRhFwgjylJqUqyzmFbUdqfpGvN0y9plKcK54EYmFxSDPzmDI
> u9/L7G5Ql1MbXf8yf0IXPI3RoLQmmR/Wd0+q/q0w8ALdBBI8zT0IwlRcBJ6OAGMR
> ysmmS23OzLJ4ZXpyNcaHm3CxQUnUIH7SlBuvtzisa9sz01MPy1IJfTQ029kIJ+/c
> PA77OeKb0e/FBvVfJO201+kBBRCbhmD+/TQZu7nprmwYnv4JkubBSi2s0EnH/eeJ
> 2299QvxlxqOgfTcS0N6OK0OpAfphydK+cuKSSu69k1CHLZiDbHE/Fg==
> =ifQE

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