- your name

Steffen Müller

- your email address


- your preferred user-ID on CPAN.


- a short description of what you're planning to contribute

Hmm, well, I'll try to keep it very short.
I've been working on an addition to Daniel Berger's Set::Array module that
works with multi dimensional ranged arrays. It's not ready yet, but
registration is said to take some time...
Additionally, I've invested some thought in a simple developer tool that's
supposed to improve consistency of benchmark results for different testers
given random input data.
Basically a a caching mechanism.

$_=qq#tsee      gmx.net#;s#e#s#g;s#[^\s\w]#c#;s#s#ust#g;s#t#J#e;s#nus#ker#
;chop;$c=' ^^^^ ';$c='12319';@c=split/(..)/,'8234130006710523';@d=split"3"
,$c;chop;'  at  ';s#(t)ustust#$1\0ano$1;.#;y#.; #ehr#;@_=$_;shift@c,substr

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