* > * > *       ParseConfig::Rdist
* > * > 
* > * > I'm happy with ParseConfig::Rdist.
* > * > 
* > * > Shall I use that?
* > * 
* > * Fine by me :)
* > 
* > I had another idea..  How about Emulate::Rdist?
* > 
* > That sounds better to my ear.
* It's not a question of sound. If the primary purpose of the module is to 
* emulate the behaviour of rdist then the name should reflect that. If it's
* just to read rdist files then the name should reflect that.
* In this case perhaps it could be two modules.
* But an Emulate::* namespace doesn't appeal much. Many modules emulate
* something.
* Perhaps Filesys::Rdist.

It does do both, but I see little point in making it two

I don't think it fits with Filesys:: as the modules that are
there all deal with filesystems rather then the files in a

I would consider File::Rdist, but the module never actually uses
rdist.  Rather the purpose is to achieve the same ends using rsync.




I don't know.  Maybe I should stick with ParseConfig::Rdist.



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