The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       SNMP::Multi
  DSLIP:       bdpOp
  description: Combines SNMP results from multiple hosts
  userid:      JOSHUA (Joshua Keroes)
  chapterid:    5 (Networking_Devices_IPC)
  communities: #perl



    SNMP::Multi leverages the SNMP module (cleverly called ""),
    not Net::SNMP. While I'd like to put the module in the Net hierarchy
    as Net::SNMP::Multi, that wouldn't tell people anything about it's
    parentage and frankly, would be misleading.

    This is a "gentle reminder". *nudge nudge* :-)

    Thanks folks, Joshua

  enteredby:   JOSHUA (Joshua Keroes)
  enteredon:   Thu Jan 24 21:25:12 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Multi           bdpOp Combines SNMP results from multiple hosts    JOSHUA

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