Hi! Please register me:
name: Ernest Lergon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] home: http://www.virtualitas.net/perl/ id: LERGON descr: Please tell me, if it's ok to use the namespace Mail::Extremail for a module providing an OO interface to the mail server eXtremail. It is the base for a Webmin module for eXtremail. The eXtremail server can be managed through telnet connection by a rough command line interface. The Extremail object will provide methods for each command with checks etc., processing all commands hidden using Net::Telnet. The scripts for Webmin - to be published there - will call those methods and provide all needed input fields etc. But I planned Mail::Extremail so, that it can be used standalone in other applications. I'm already registered at Webmin on their wishlist and started to work. Xanx! Ernest links: http://www.extremail.com http://www.webmin.com http://www.coastnet.com/~ken/webmin/wish.html