The module provides methods (it's OO) that allow a programmer to easily
create a simple blogging system, along the lines of '' (Except
its a bit more rudimentary). This is a pure Perl module. It requires the
XML::XSL module.

I have chosen the name for the module to be Blog::SimpleBlog. I felt this
was the most descriptive, and it would allow myself and/or other ambitious
programmers to create modules that are 'Blog' related, although not
necessarily 'SimpleBlog' related. I have looked through the Perl modules and
have found none that appear to do this particular task (except the 'Slash'
modules), or that have this namespace. Please let me know if you feel this
name is appropriate.

If you have time, I wonder if you might give me input on the methods and
functionality of the module. (Quite all right if you don't; if you answer
the name question, I'll be most satisfied.)

Below is the synopsis from my documentation, with brief descriptions:

use Blog::SimpleBlog;

    #instantiates the object, setting up object data in a hash, reference
    #stored in $sbO.
my $sbO = Blog::SimpleBlog->new();

    #creates the text data files/directories necessary to store blog data
    #generally only needs to be called once

    #variables to pass to the 'add_Blog()' method. This becomes XML
    #and is stored on the filesystem.
my $content="<p>blah blah blah in XHTML</p>
<p><b>Better</b> when done in XHTML</p>";
my $title = 'some title';
my $author = 'a.n. author';
my $email = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $smmry = 'blah blah';

    #this creates a new blog, puts it in a timestamped folder,
    #and updates the blogbase index (putting the newest entries
    #at the top).

    #this method retrieves the most recent three entries
    #from the blogbase, and generates on-the-fly XML to
    #pass to the referenced XSLT file. This is where the
    #XML::XSL module comes in. You can also specify an
    #output file.

    #this does essentially the same as above, except it
    #gets all the entries in the blogbase. Think 'archive.'

    #this removes a blog from the system, and returns
    #the path to the deleted entries. You pass it a
    #regular expression, and any matches are removed.
my @deleted = $sbO->remove_Blog('08');

That's it. Thanks for your time (presuming you got this far).

J.A. Robson

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