The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Math::Radicals
  DSLIP:       cdpOp
  description: Interface to Mathematic Radical Operations
  userid:      WILL (William Gunther)
  chapterid:    6 (Data_Type_Utilities)



    This modules I'm writing won't be just plugging in a square root
    and getting an answer. Perl does that without me. This will do
    factoring not to solve radicals but to simplify them. For example,
    if I have 2 times radical 108, 108 is not a perfect square. It would
    be about 20.8 if you run it in a calculator. To simplify it you take
    out perfect square, in this case the greatest factor that is a
    perfect square is 36 x 3 = 108. 2 times radical 36 times radical 3.
    Square root of 36 is 6, 2 times 6 is 12, final simplified answer is
    12 radical 3. I think a modules like this would be important for
    simplifying radicals for equations and so on.

  enteredby:   WILL (William Gunther)
  enteredon:   Wed Sep 11 22:40:46 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Radicals        cdpOp Interface to Mathematic Radical Operations   WILL

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