Dear Sir,

It is my warmest pleasure writing you thisconfidential business letter with a view 
that you wil laccept my request
 and give me a positive responsehence time is essence.

I am Olu Williams,Member of Contract Award Committee with the Federal Ministry of 
 By the virtue of our position and the power bestowed on us by the government, we 
carefully and deliberately
 over invoiced the value of some contracts that we award to some foreign contractor to 
the tune o
 Twenty-Two Million five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars (US$22,500,000 00).

Now the contracts  have been fully executed and commission and payment are about to be 
made to all the
 contractors who have successfully executed their contracts, the over invoiced sum of 
(US$22,500,000.00) is what
 we want to transfer out of our country for our own use. Unfortunately, as Civil 
Servants, we are not permitted by
law to operate foreign accounts, this has constituted a major hindrance to our success 
in transferring this fund
out of our country and to this end, my colleagues have mandated me to look for an 
honest and trust worthy foreign
 partner who will assist us to provide a foreign account to receive the fund on our 
behalf for our mutual benefit.

Hence we are seeking your assistance. My colleagues and I have agreed that the owner 
of the account will be
 compensated with twenty percent (20%), of the total sum if you will stand as the 
beneficiary of the
 fund.Eighty percent (80%) for we the officials involved.

Note that we have done our home work very well in our country, this transaction is 
safe and guaranteed 100% risk free.
If you are interested please send down to us account information, so that  we will 
immediately seek approval of the fund
 on your behalf from the relevant authorities,including the federal ministry of 
finance (F.M.F),which will allocate you and
 your company foreign exchange cover $22,500.000.00 for the immediate release of this 
fund into your account
by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

We will visit you immediately we conclude the transaction to collect and invest part 
of our share into any viable business
 you may advice in your country. We will also buy industrial goods for a resale here 
in Nigeria. Please ensure to treat this
 matter in strict privacy, as we have to protect our job as Civil Servants. I await 
your urgent response.

Yours Faithfully,

Olu Williams

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