In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Cris Bailiff 

> I'm the current maintainer of the perl XS interface which wraps 'libcurl', the 
> library interface of the 'cURL' command line tool. cURL is a "client for 
> URL's". (See for more info).

> * Retain Curl::easy name as is.
>   - Naming doesn't relate module to function performed, unless you already 
> know what curl is. 

> * Rename as Net::Curl::easy

it's not really a network protocol, so not Net::

> * Rename as HTTP::Curl::easy
>    - libcurl does much more than just HTTP, so it's not the best name

i think you've brought out the right points about those names.

how about WWW::Curl (or WWW::cURL)?

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),

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