The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Math::Evol
  DSLIP:       bdpfp
  description: Evolution Search Optimisation
  userid:      PJB (Peter Billam)
  chapterid:    6 (Data_Type_Utilities)



    This module implements the two-membered evolution strategy.
    Derivatives of the objective function are not required. Constraints
    can be incorporated. It derives from the 'EVOL' Fortran routine of
    Schwefel which uses Rechenberg's step- size adjustment strategy.
    This two-membered evolution strategy is a random strategy, and as
    such is particularly robust and will cope well with large numbers of
    variables, or rugged objective funtions. works either
    automatically with an objective function to be minimised, or
    interactively with a (suitably patient) human who at each step will
    choose the better of two (or several) possibilities. A subroutine is
    supplied allowing the evolution of numeric parameters in a text
    file. The module by John A.R. Williams offers the
    Simplex strategy of Nelder and Mead; it is a deterministic strategy
    which can offer fast convergence on smaller problems with smooth
    objective functions. It doesn't offer an interactive approach.

  enteredby:   PJB (Peter Billam)
  enteredon:   Sat Oct 19 05:53:38 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Evol            bdpfp Evolution Search Optimisation                PJB

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