I would like to allocate a module name: Tie::LookupAsFunction.

Nothing fancy, but I couldn't find anyone else who had released it
as a module...

Here's the readme and the code.  The module is ready to go as soon
as the name is approved.



    Tie::LookupAsFunction - tie functions to the the read side of hashes

            use Tie::LookupAsFunction;
            use Tie::LookupAsFunction qw(%thoucomma %nothoucomma %addcents %q_shell 
%round %sprintf);

            tie %array, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction', \&function;

            use Tie::LookupAsFunction;

            tie %double, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction', 
                    sub {
                            my ($key) = @_;
                            return $key * 2 if $key != 0;
                            return $key.$key;

            print "2 * 2 is $double{2}\n";

            use Tie::LookupAsFunction qw(%thoucomma %addcents);

            tie %mymoney, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction',
                    sub {
                            my ($key, $underlying_array) = @_;
                            return "\$$thoucomma{$addcents{$underlying_array->{$key}}";

            $mymoney{joe} = 7000;
            print "$mymoney{joe}\n" # prints $7,000.00

    Tie::LookupAsFunction provides a simple method to tie a function to a

    The function is passed two arguments: the key used to access the array
    and a reference to a hash that is used for all non-read accesses to the

    The following hashes are bound and can be imported from

        Adds commas to numbers. "7000.32" becomes "7,000.32"

        Removes commas from numbers. "7,000.32" becomes "7000.32"

        Make sure that numbers end two places to the right of the decimal.
        "7000" becomes "7000.00" and "7000.149" becomes "7000.15".

        Quotes filenames quoted for use on a command line with the bourne
        shell. This will sometimes put 'single quotes' around the filename
        and other times it will leave it bare.

        This will round a number to the nearest integer. If you want a
        different rounding-point, use a pseudo-two dimensional lookup to
        provide a scale. Use "0.01" to round to the nearest penny and "1000"
        to round to the nearest thousand. For example: $round{38.7, 10} will
        round up to 40.

        Use a comma to do a psudo-multi-dimensial lookup to specifiy both a
        format and arguments. Obviouly, none of the arguments can have the
        ascii character that is equal to the perl $; variable. Example:
        $sprintf{"%07d", 82} will interpolate to "0000082".

    Copyright (C) 2002 David Muir Sharnoff. This module may be used, copied,
    modified and redistributed under the same terms as perl. Please send
    usefule changes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

package Tie::LookupAsFunction;

@ISA = qw(Tie::StdHash Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(%thoucomma %nothoucomma %addcents %q_shell %round %sprintf);

require Tie::Hash;
require Exporter;
use Carp;

$VERSION = 1.0;

use strict;

our %thoucomma;
our %nothoucomma;
our %addcents;
our %q_shell;
our %round;
our %sprintf;

tie %q_shell, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction',
        sub {
                my ($file) = @_;
                return $file if $file =~ /^[-_\.+=:\/0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;
                $file =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
                return "'$file'";

tie %sprintf, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction',
        sub {
                my ($format, @args) = split($; , $_[0]);
                return sprintf($format, @args);

tie %round, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction',
        sub {
                my ($amount, $scale) = split($; , $_[0]);
                require POSIX;
                $scale = 1 unless $scale;
                # scale = .01 for cents
                # scale = 1000 for thousands
                $amount /= $scale;
                $amount += .5;
                $amount = POSIX::floor($amount);
                $amount *= $scale;
                return $amount;

my %decomma;
tie %decomma, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction',
        sub {
                my ($f) = @_;
                $f =~ s/,//g;
                return $f;

tie %nothoucomma, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction',
        sub {
                my ($number) = @_;
                $number =~ s/(\A|\D)(\d\d?\d?)(,\d\d\d)+(\D|\z)/$1$2$decomma{$3}$4/g;
                return $number;

tie %thoucomma, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction', 
        sub {
                my ($number) = @_;
                1 while ($number =~ s/(?<![\d.])(\d+)(\d\d\d)(?!\d)/$1,$2/g);
                return $number;

tie %addcents, 'Tie::LookupAsFunction',
        sub {
                my ($money) = @_;
                1 while ($money =~ s/(?<![\d.])(\d+)([^\d,.]|\z|,(?!\d))/$1.00$2/);
                1 while ($money =~ s/(?<![\d.])(\d+\.)([^\d,]|\z|,(?!\d))/${1}00$2/);
                1 while ($money =~ s/(?<![\d.])(\d+\.\d)([^\d,]|\z|,(?!\d))/${1}0$2/);
                $money =~ s/(\d+\.\d\d\d+)([^\d,]|\z|,(?!\d))/$sprintf{'%.2f', $1}$2/g;
                $money =~ 
                return $money;

# -------------------------------

        my ($pkg, $func, @args) = @_;
        return bless [

        my ($self, $lookup) = @_;
        return &{$self->[0]}($lookup, $self->[2], @{$self->[1]});

sub STORE    { $_[0]->[2]{$_[1]} = $_[2] }
sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0]->[2]}; each %{$_[0]->[2]} }
sub NEXTKEY  { each %{$_[0]->[2]} }
sub EXISTS   { exists $_[0]->[2]{$_[1]} }
sub DELETE   { delete $_[0]->[2]{$_[1]} }
sub CLEAR    { %{$_[0]->[2]} = () }


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