On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 19:02, _brian_d_foy wrote:
> In article <1037171347.1724.46.camel@lt-op>, Oliver Paukstadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Ok, I thought about what you could plug into this proxy module. 
> > Maybe someone could write a plug-in to remove (nonevil) ActiveX or
> > JavaScript from HTML files. The question is, does this need the complete
> > download of the content or could this be handled as a streaming filter?
> > Back to the names: ProxyFilter sounds to much like URL-Filter and
> > ProxyPlugin sounds to undefined to me. 
> > Do YOU have any better ideas? ;-)
> not really---i'd need to see the module, know how it works, and so
> on to suggest a good name.
It works like ProxyPass but downloads the file and adds a hook to call
the an external program on that file, in my case a virus scanner, before
delivering to the Browser/Parent Cache.
What the external program does to the file is not really defined, except
the return codes.

> what are trying to accomplish with the module?
Write my first CPAN-Module and observe all rules ;-)

Oliver Paukstadt

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