Hi, I've started work on a Perl module for accessing CVS.  I'd
like to add it to CPAN as an idea entry for now; I expect to have
code soon.

I came up with the name VCS::LibCVS.  I would have preferred
VCS::CVS, but I can't have a directory called CVS, and the owner
of VCS, asked me not to use VCS::Cvs (which is risky for non
case-sensitive platforms anyway).  Do you have any other
suggestions or objections?

In addition, I would like VCS::LibCVS::Client::, to hold an
implementation of the cvsclient protocol.  I'll make it
stand-alone, so that it can be used independently of the rest of

the DSLIP for both of them would be: cdpOp
(i'm not sure of the distinction beteween mailing list and
developer support though)


Some men can swing by their heels on the flying trapeze; some men can become
president of the republic; I can drink cognac.
                           Henri Toulouse-Lautrec (as portrayed in Moulin Rouge)

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