your name : Fermín Palacios Torres
your email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your homepage if you have one :
your preferred user-ID on CPAN: HOPES


I want to make this modules at least:

Business::ES::CCC -> Validate client code accounts for Spanish accounts
(Spanish now is only from Spain).
ES::NIF -> Validate NIFs (A string which identifies one person in Spain, it
is a "unique" ID)
ES::CIF -> Validate CIFs (A string which identifies one enterprise in Spain,
it is a "unique" ID )

I've read this:

and I think that ES::NIF and ES::CIF are better than
Number::ID::ES::NIF and Number::ID::ES::CIF because a NIF and a CIF are
numbers with a letter (so, strings)

How about Sring::ID::ES::NIF and String::ID::ES::CIF?
May be, but I think that is positive to start developing ES:: modules like
Cz or No.

Now, it would be good to notice that ES::NIF modules and ES::CIF make sense
in Spain, not for "Spanish language".
Many linguas doesn't have this problem (but Spanish have, like English).
How do you think that we can solve this?

Do you think that would be better to make Sp:: modules instead of ES::
In my opinion, ES:: is very much representative than Sp::, but I would like
to hear more opinions.


Fermin Palacios
perl -le '$_=$,=q,\,@4O,,s,^$,$\,,s,s,^,b9,s,$_^=q,$\^-]!,,print'

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