> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Perl Authors Upload Server 
> > The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
> >   modid:       SelectLoop
> >     There doesn't seem to be any existing namespace that's devoted to
> >     control structures for Perl. The most similar module, Damian's
> >     Switch.pm, was granted its own root-level namespace, so I figure
> >     this module should get the same treatment.
> that's a bad precedent.  "select" also has a special meaning in
> Perl, so your name should say something more.

That was the reasoning behind calling it SelectLoop rather than just
Select, but I take if from your remarks below that you mean it would
benefit from some leading namespace fields.

> >     Ultimately, perhaps we should have a root-level namespace of
> >     "source-filtered flow-control extensions to Perl", providing for
> >     names like PerlExt::SelectLoop.pm. 
> if you want to emulate shell features, I'd like to see a namespace
> that can handle many shells, like:
>    Shell::Korn::Select
> -- 
> brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org

I agree that this makes the most sense, if one overlooks existing
precedents (which I agree are perhaps misguided).

But perhaps Shell::POSIX::Select would make a better name, given
that the select loop found in the Korn shell is part of the 1003.2
("POSIX shell") standard, and appears also in the Bash, Dtksh, and
Tksh shells.

Using that naming convention might help prevent the possible
future emergence of Shell::(Bash|Dtksh|Tksh)::Feature entries,
for other Features common to those shells.

For shell-specific features, namespaces like Shell::C::
and Shell::Z:: would seem appropriate, as brian suggested.

And namespaces like that would be needed to distinguish the
features of the earlier year-numbered Korn shells, which were not
POSIX-compliant -- Shell::Korn83::Feature, Shell::Korn88::Feature, etc.

On the other hand, we already have a precedent for POSIX as a
root-level namespace to hold the 1003.1 ("POSIX OS interface")
features in Perl, which raises the question of whether
POSIX::Shell::Select might be a reasonable place to put this module.

The downside I see with that is that there are other, non-POSIX
compliant features of the same shells that might be provided
for Perl, and they would fit better into the Shell::Shellname::
hierarchy than under POSIX::Not!:: 8-}

In any case, the maintenance of two separate shell-related namespaces
would make it easy to overlook the fact that POSIX::Shell:: and
Shell::Ksh83:: were two places to look for Korn shell features.

So I think the different shell features should appear alongside each
other in namespaces like Shell::POSIX::, Shell::C::, Shell::Ksh88::,

But I'd appreciate hearing the comments of brian and others on
these new points I've raised.


| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  teachmeunix.com  teachmeperl.com  teachmelinux.net |
| MAHER::CLASSES-> Minimal Perl: 1/27; UNIX: 1/28; Perl: 2/10; Modules: 2/13 |
| DAMIAN:CLASSES-> Munging: 1/13; Regexes: 1/15; BioInfo: 1/15; OOP: 1/17    |

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