I would like permission to rename Math::Trig::Units to Math::Trig. It has
subclasses for Math::Trig::Radians, Math::Trig::Degrees and
Math::Trig::Gradians. The current owner is happy for this to occur. The
approx() function mentioned below has been overtaken by a Math::SnapTo
module which attends to some of the issues of decimal floating point math on
binary based systems in a brief and prctical but not totally IEEE 754
compliant way.



>>>>> "John" == John Willaims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

John> Thanks for this. I am more than happy that someone else should take
John> over ownership of this module. I have virtually stopped using Perl for
John> numerical programming tasks.

>>>>> "James" == James Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    James> Hi, A colleague requested subclassing Math::Trig to handle
    James> degrees and gradians.  I have modified the Math::Trig
    James> module to form a base class currently called
    James> Math::Trig::Units with subclasses Math::Trig::Degree
    James> Math::Trig::Radian and Math::Trig:Gradian. I have added
    James> some test code and removed the odd bug (revealed in the
    James> testing). Functions now return #INF when appropriate. There
    James> is also a new approx() function to get dsin(30) to return
    James> 0.5 rather than 0.4999999999954 when using degrees.

    James> There is no reason why this module can't live where it is
    James> although the base class should probably be Math::Trig. I
    James> have attached the .tar.gz for your perusal.

    James> cheers

    James> Dr James Freeman.

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