FROM : Mrs. Tuhre Lisa 

Compliments Of The Season. 

Dear Friend,

I am MRS. TUHRE LISA the wife of JOSEPH TUHRE who 
was the special adviser to the former president of 
Guinea Bissau who was short dead on 2nd of December 
2000 by one of the rebels in Guinea. 

Before the death of my husband JOSEPH TUHRE he 
disclosed to me that he deposited the sum of US$ 
18.5 million in a private security company in one 
consignment box tagged family valuables and not as 
money for security reasons and he instructed me that I 
should make proper use of it for the mutual benefit of 
the family. 

Presently we are under strict security cover in 
south-Africa where I am contacting you soliciting 
for your assistance to transfer this fund into your 
nominated foreign account for investment purposes 
in your country. 

For your acceptance to assist us upon the receipt of 
this mail i will offer you 10% of the total sum while 
5% will be map out to off set every expenses incured 
during transaction. 

Finally, do treat with absolute confidentiality for my 
security reasons. Thanks for your anticipated 

Best regards. 

Mrs.Tuhre Lisa. 

(For the family)

_________________________________________________________  Gratuito, latino y en espaņol.

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