The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Data::Validate::Item
  DSLIP:       adpOp
  description: Validate data items against simple rules
  userid:      ASTAINES (Anthony Staines)
  chapterid:    6 (Data_Type_Utilities)
    Perlmonks comp.lang.perl.modules



    There is a frequent need in data munging to establish whether data
    items meet certain criteria. This is usually dealt with by ad-hoc
    verification routines. These are hard to write, hard to maintain and
    hard to document.

    This module provide a simple interface for writing rules to which
    an item of data must conform. This allows you to put all of the
    rules which an item must obey in one place. If you have, as is the
    common situation, many items of data organised as records, you can
    take out common rules, and write these only once.

    This is an alpha release, intended for comment and critical
    feedback. The interface may well change in response to this fedback.

    What this module does not do is allow you to specify rules
    involving several data items. The non-existent companion module
    Data::Validator::Record will do this some day. Feel free to start
    writing it!

  enteredby:   ASTAINES (Anthony Staines)
  enteredon:   Mon Dec 30 23:00:03 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Item            adpOp Validate data items against simple rules     ASTAINES

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