Title: I imagine you get mails every day that you really would wish would delete them selves’

I imagine you get mails every day that you really would wish would delete them selves’?

Lord knows I do!

I am trying to develop a relationship with you, and your non-profit organization, based on the concept that we can help each other achieve our goals!


First, let me explain why we need to do this. You are a key leader in your non-profit organization; you can influence, guide, and correct the people within your ranks. You care about your cause. You have a need to see your cause to a good end. You realize the need to raise money for your organization. You know you can raise money but need help. You see the need to get your ideas out to the general public (not just within your organization). You are a good person and have good intensions. You are good-natured and are open-minded. You are definitely outgoing!


Actually I found your email on a non-profit website. I picked it out by hand and added it to my list for this email. I have found a way for you to help accomplish your fund raising goals and speak out for your cause! I know how we can accomplish our goals together. I need you to help me though. I need you to confirm that you are interested in this idea.


You need to respond positively to this email in order for us continue; otherwise we can both just delete and continue on as if this never happened. I realize this is probably not what you expected when you posted your email to the web site I copied it from, but maybe…. It is a Godsend for you and your organization!  I expect only to send several emails to you before you will realize the need for my help. If you don’t respond I will cease to exist as a part of your organization.


So as you can see, this could be an exciting and new opportunity for your organization.


I am compiling this newsletter to provide you with a comprehensive and new way of gathering funds and examining issues.


You will be subscribed to the newsletter it is free, and when you get it you will see it is worth your time.

Of course you can opt out of the newsletter at any time so why not give it a try? 


My goal is to develop our newsletter for non-profit fundraisers and other topics of interest to us.  You have nothing to loose. You can opt out any time. Best of all it is free.

  If you would like to participate and you are sure this is you then click here


 (If you would like to be removed from my list please contact my list manager by Clicking Here.)



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