I am a high ranking  officer of the rebel group of  Southern Angola 
(UNITA )which was led by the late General Jonas Savimbi who was shot and kill late lst 
year in a shoot out with Angolan National army.

At the time of the death of our General , I was in the Netherlands arranging for the 
purchase of arms and military hardware for our army on his behalf , because peace 
talks with the government had broken down and a major offensive by government troops 
was predicted. Unfortunately before I could finalize the purchase, the news of his 
death was 

I was suddenly left with US$ 26,000,000.00 ( twenty-six million United Sates dollars ) 
 which I brought into the Netherlands through diplomatic means and meant for the arms 
purchase. I immediately deposited the money with a security company  here in the 
Netherlands and declared it as a consignment belonging to my foreign affiliate, and 
quickly sought refugee status.

Currently this proposal is to inform you that I want to transfer this money out from 
the Netherlands into your personal or company account as soon as possible for safe 
keeping, since my asylum status here do not permit me to hold such huge amount, it can 
be freeze if the source is revealed.

Please note that this transaction demands the highest degree of trust and 
confidentiality between us, moreover I can assure you it is risk- free in the sense 
that only three people knew about this money and the arms purchase, ie; General 
Savimbi, Capt. John Kowanyi and myself. Unfortunately The two died the same day in the 
Government offensive. I have also taken all proper care of all formalities regarding 

In appreciation of your assistance , I have worked out the sharing ratio for this 
transaction as follows : 70% for  my investment in your country under your close 
supervision and 
direction, 25% for  your efforts ( help and assistance)  and shall set aside 5% for 
all incidental expenses.

Please reply on the above email address or you can call me on the private telephone 
number below as to give me your private telephone and fax numbers for confidential 

As I urgently wait to hear from you, be informed that all communication on this 
transaction shall be confidential. 

Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.

Best regards ,
Joseph Ndoum (Major)

Tel: +31 63 0115979

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