
My name is Jitka Mansfeldova and I'm writing to you from AllPosters.com - The World's Largest Poster and Print Store. I noticed that you are linking to other websites and I thought that you might be interested in joining our Affiliates Program. You can earn up to 25% commission on all sales from your website; plus you can choose from over 100,000 images to add to your site for free.

Below are some examples of our posters.

The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers The Eminem Show Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston

The affiliates program is absolutely free to join. As an affiliate, you can link to our site and earn between 20% and 25% of every sale you make. Our top affiliates earn thousands of dollars in commission each month.

The way it works is that you display poster images and links on your site. When users click on your links to AllPosters.com and make a purchase, you earn commission on the sale.

Building links is easy and it will take you only a few minutes to sign up.
Click here to join now!

I'm looking forward to working with you!


Jitka Mansfeldova
Affiliates Program Manager
The World's Largest Poster and Print Store
Tel: (510) 740-1310

P.S. I'm sending you this invitation because your e-mail address is listed for contact at http://ni.b2si.com/~thayer/. Please click on the link below to remove yourself from any further invitations:
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