The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Curses::Visterm
  DSLIP:       adpOp
  description: fullscreen split-terminal user interface
  userid:      RCAPUTO (Rocco Caputo)
  chapterid:    8 (User_Interfaces)
    efnet, magnet, dalnet: #perl, #poe;

    none found in the UI and Term:: sections of


    Curses::Visterm is a "visual" (split-screen) terminal interface.
    The term "visual" has been used to describe display-oriented
    interfaces at least as far back as the invention of vi. TinyFugue
    has described its split-terminal mode as "visual" for several years.
    For more information:

    Curses::Visterm provides a split-terminal interface modeled after
    console based IRC and MUD clients. It uses Curses to manage all
    aspects of the terminal, including horizonatal and vertical
    scrolling regions.

    The interface has four sections. There is a title bar across the
    top of the terminal, a large vertically scrolling (forward and
    backward) region where program output is displayed, an input bar
    across the bottom of the display (which scrolls horizontally to
    accomodate large input and can be edited using common shell
    keybindings), and a status bar that separates the output and input
    areas with a display of common "dashboard" indicators.

    Visterm uses a portable, event driven framework (POE) for
    concurrency. It can simultaneously monitor socket and console input
    while updating dashboard indicators through a system of multiple
    independent timers.

    The project is managed at SourceForge. Various support resources
    are available there. Please see for more information.

  enteredby:   RCAPUTO (Rocco Caputo)
  enteredon:   Thu Jan  9 19:38:10 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Visterm         adpOp fullscreen split-terminal user interface     RCAPUTO

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