The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Net::FileShare
  DSLIP:       adpOg
  description: for creating file sharing clients/servers
  userid:      GRAVALO (Gene Gallistel)
  chapterid:    5 (Networking_Devices_IPC)
    posted to forum, planning to post to public CVS repos
    & newsgroups



    I began the development for this mod while working on an ICB bot. I
    wanted to have a simple compartmentalized solution which could be
    added to a bot or chat client to give them a file sharing
    capability. While beginning work on this project I searched the web
    for a module similiar to this. I could only find scripts in which
    individuals had set up file sharing clients and server. This module
    allows for a OO interface, so in 8-10 lines one could set up a
    server or client. This is the main rationale behind the request for
    the namespace. I don't believe there are any modules which focus
    soley on file sharing. Besides allowing for an OO interface to
    client/server construction, I've also written in a basic protocol,
    into the module, for message passing between the server and clients.
    The protocol is used to allow clients to query for files contained
    on servers, and to allow servers to either acknowledge or reject
    query requests. This mod currently is in alpha testing. While
    testing, I've successfully managed to transfer both ascii and binary
    files up to 4MB, between hosts running Net::FileShare clients and

  enteredby:   GRAVALO (Gene Gallistel)
  enteredon:   Sat Jan 18 20:19:33 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::FileShare       adpOg for creating file sharing clients/servers    GRAVALO

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The Pause Team

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