The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Algorith::Numerical::Sample::Weighted
  DSLIP:       cdpOp
  description: Weighted random sampling of set (perl array)
  userid:      BROWSERUK (NJS)
  chapterid:    2 (Perl_Core_Modules)



    An O(n) solution to picking elements from a set according to a set
    probabilities or weights.

    Makes no attempt to ensure 'fairness' in the way
    Algorithm::Numerical::Sample does, only that elements are picked,
    their distributions will approximate to the supplied
    weights/probabilities over time.

    Trades space for time, but does it in a manner that keeps the space
    requirements to a minimum. It also allows efficient adjustment of
    individual weights/probabilities on-the-fly without needing to
    reconstruct/recalculateeverything. This is useful in systems where
    the weighting changes as the system progresses.

  enteredby:   BROWSERUK (NJS)
  enteredon:   Wed Jan 29 10:38:25 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Weighted        cdpOp Weighted random sampling of set (perl array) BROWSERUK

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