The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: NetPacket::SpanningTree DSLIP: bdpOa description: Spanning Tree packet encoding/decoding userid: CGANESAN (Chander Ganesan) chapterid: 5 (Networking_Devices_IPC) communities:
similar: The NetPacket::Ethernet NetPacket rationale: The NetPacket group of modules all deal with protocol encoding/decoding of IEEE standard ethernet protocols. NetPacket::SpanningTree decodes 802.1d Spanning Tree (and Rapid Spanning Tree) packets, as well as providing the ability to encode Spanning Tree data into packets. It conforms to the standards set forth in the module, and works with NetPacket::Ethernet as required. Basically, it's another NetPacket component to add to the other protocols that NetPacket already handles. Note: This package required NetPacket::Ethernet version 0.04 . Currently the version of NetPacket::Ethernet maintained by Tim Potter (whom I've been unable to contact via email) does not support 802.3 packet decoding, and as a result will not properly decode the ethernet portion of the packet. I've updated NetPacket::Ethernet in my CPAN directory (and bumped the version to 0.04). Does anyone know how to get ahold of Tim? enteredby: CGANESAN (Chander Ganesan) enteredon: Wed Jan 29 20:01:55 2003 GMT The resulting entry would be: NetPacket:: ::SpanningTree bdpOa Spanning Tree packet encoding/decoding CGANESAN Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: