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In article <201011191857.oajiv1ap025...@pause.fiz-chemie.de>, Perl
Authors Upload Server <upl...@pause.perl.org> wrote:

> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>   modid:       Data::PrettyPrintObjects
>   DSLIP:       bdpfp
>   description: pretty printing with good support for object
>   userid:      SBECK (Sullivan Beck)
>   chapterid:   6 (Data_Type_Utilities)
>   communities:
>   similar:
>     Data::Dumper
>   rationale:
>     I use Data::Dumper to examine data structures (primarily when
>     debugging), but if the structure has embedded objects in it (created
>     by another module that I'm not debugging), Dumper prints out the
>     entire structure of these objects which I'm not interested in (and
>     if the object is large enough, it makes it very difficult to examine
>     the structure that I'm actually interested in).

It sounds like you are re-inventing the custom dump handlers in either
Data::Dump::Filtered or Data::Dump::Streamer.

If those work out for you, maybe you save yourself the hassle of a new
module. If they don't, your new module should probably be in the same
Data::Dump namespace. :)

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
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