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In article <201103272100.p2rl0ljy006...@pause.fiz-chemie.de>, Perl
Authors Upload Server <upl...@pause.perl.org> wrote:

> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>   modid:       Email::POP3::Markdown
>   DSLIP:       cdpOg
>   description: E-mail client that converts Markdown to HTML

>     Email because it's an e-mail client. POP3 because it uses a POP3
>     client to access email. Markdown because it reads markdown.

Does it really convert email to markdown, or does it convert the
message body to markdown? That is, could your module really use any
email client, grab the message, and convert it?

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
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