On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Linda W <perl-didd...@tlinx.org> wrote:
> Steffen Mueller wrote:
>> On 11/21/2011 09:58 AM, Neil Bowers wrote:
>>> Maybe instead of just this Covenant, we have a number of Ownership /
>>> Maintenance statements, one of which is the one I proposed, but
>>> another of which would something along the lines of:
> ====
> If you put something on CPAN and don't answer email or fix things for 3
> months it's too long to stay listed as a "maintained module"
> CPAN is a cesspool of garbage right now and now its HARD to find
> the jewels that ARE there, because of all the junk and false modules one
> has to deal with that are seemingly more prevalent.
> Don't have to touch their code,... but if we want CPAN to be able to
> be relied upon.. it's can't have unaddressed bugs for months (let alone a
> year or more)...
> Otherwise, it's a museum for old code that used to work... not real
> useful as it was originally intended.
> The author should also be "open" to patches, if they don't want to give
> it up but don't have time or resources (no, I don't have a VAX-native
> version of Perl to duplicate your problem, let alone HW to run it on;
> what time zone did you say you were in?).
> Seems like CPAN is more about ego's the way this is being handled...

Hi Linda,

I think there is a lot of truth in what you are writing
but I also understand people get nervous when they
are told to get serious.
They want to keep the right to "not give a shit" and
I can understand that. They (or may I say, 'we') have
other things in our life and after uploading the module
they are usually more important than that module.

The main problem, as I see, is that contribution to a module or
co-maintainer ship feels a lot less interesting, and a lot less valuable
than having your name on you own module. (yeah, lots of ego-trip in there).

I think if we could encourage more people to contribute to
existing modules and if we could encourage module authors to
let more people contribute/co-main etc. their modules,
a large part of the problems (lack of maintenance,
too many similar solutions to the same problem)
we encounter would go away.

I am not sure we can do that or how to do achieve that.


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