The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Perlet
  DSLIP:       cdpOp
  description: A very fast dynamic web content framework
  userid:      ZARABOZO (Francisco Zarabozo)
  chapterid:   15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)
    Perlet mailing list and home website



    Perlet is a very fast framework for web content. It's great speed
    comes from working with mod_perl (not a requisite but it takes great
    advantages if used that way) and memory caching of precompiled code.
    It has several object oriented layers that work with each other,
    each one focused on a specific area of a web request/response.

    It's designed to be completely natural in each development area.
    For example, a web designer doesn't need to learn much of Perlet in
    order to write a template for this framework and his HTML/CSS code
    ends up as natural as possible so that it can be viewed locally in a
    web browser without a server or Perl. At the same time, a Perl
    developer doesn't really need to know how the web designer will
    display things in his design, they just need to know the
    variable/constant names and types.

    It interfaces with the webserver API (Apache only for the moment,
    plans to extend to other webservers), templating controls, session
    management, different cache features, database drivers and other
    processes involved in the whole process of a web request.

    Due to the nature of the interaction between layers, most modules
    are based on the same namespace and work only for this namespace. At
    the same time, all class extensions that can extend funtionality of
    this namespace need to inherit funtionality from it and will be
    probably written for exclusive interaction with this namespace.

    It also uses a long set of tools and functionality that comes from
    another project of mine called Perlmazing. I decided to keep them as
    separate project/namespace because Perlmazing has a lot to offer by
    itself but it doesn't depend on Perlet (this project) at all, while
    Perlet does depend on Perlmazing - but that's a different subject
    and will have it's own registration request.

    The reason I've chosen the name "Perlet" comes from long time ago
    (about 10 years) after working with Java servlets in a project I
    had. Much of my ideas to improve and speed up each request come from
    that. That's why I liked the idea of calling it Perlet. Of course, a
    lot has evolved since then and Perlet is Perlet.

    I've used Perlet in several projects already (webstores and other
    dynamic websites) and I've been improving it over the years. Now I
    want to share it with the world and hopefully be lucky enough to
    have other good developers interested in collaboration.

    I also own the domains and (and I'm in
    process of getting from a multi-domain graber that has it
    for sale).

    So, I really hope the namespace gets approved. It's not like the
    name will colide with anything else or will mislead anyone on the
    preception of what it does.


    Francisco Zarabozo

  enteredby:   ZARABOZO (Francisco Zarabozo)
  enteredon:   Sat Jul 21 08:10:38 2012 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

Perlet            cdpOp A very fast dynamic web content framework    ZARABOZO

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