On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 07:49:37AM +1100, Alfie John wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 04:37:31PM +0100, Matt S Trout wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 08:29:47PM +1100, Alfie John wrote:
> > > Any objection to Data::Tree? I could then rename the description to:
> > > 
> > >   Data::Tree - Navigate and manipulate data structures like a tree
> > > 
> > > Otherwise, I'd be willing to hear some suggestions.
> > 
> > I can't really make a suggestion if you don't show any examples of usage.
> Here's the SYNOPSIS:
>       use Data::PathSimple qw{
>     get
>     set
>   };
>   my $data = {
>     Languages => {
>       Perl   => {
>         CurrentVersion => '5.16.1',
>         URLs           => [
>           'http://www.perl.org',
>           'http://www.cpan.org',
>         ],
>       },
>       PHP    => {
>         CurrentVersion => '5.4.7',
>         URLs           => [
>           'http://www.php.net',
>           'http://pear.php.net',
>         ],
>       },
>       Python => {
>         CurrentVersion => '2.7.3',
>         URLs           => [
>           'http://www.python.org',
>         ],
>       },
>     },
>   };
>   my $current_perl = get( $data, '/Languages/Perl/CurrentVersion' );
>   my @perl_urls    = @{ get( $data, '/Languages/Perl/URLs' ) || [] };
>   set( $data, '/Languages/Perl/CurrentVersion', '5.16.2' );
>   set( $data, '/Languages/Python/URLs/1/', 'http://pypi.python.org' );
> > What distinguishes it from Data::SPath? From Data::DPath? From straight up
> > XPath matching using an adaptor like Class::XPath?
> First off, Data::SPath, Data::Dpan and Class::XPath only allow getting. My
> module does setting too.
> As you can see from the code above, the way you access the data that you want
> is by *simple* paths. If you have a look at Data::DPath and Class::XPath, they
> take complex paths and are used to match across the entire data structure.
> That's not what my module is about. Mine is about access the specific part of
> the data structure that you're after.

Data::Selector ?

You probably also want to provide alternative names to get() and set() - those
are way way too commonly already in use in existing code.

Matt S Trout - Shadowcat Systems - Perl consulting with a commit bit and a clue

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